Reflective Writing Example: Analyzing Communication and Patient Safety Using Gibbs Model

Reflective Writing on a Group Work Assignment


Description of the Situation:


You now have the opportunity to provide a thorough description of the situation. The main points to address pertain to the incidents that took place. Emotions and final thoughts will be addressed subsequently.


In my second year, I collaborated with my mentor on a surgical ward, where we provided care to a fifty-two-year-old patient named Sam (pseudonym) who had previously undergone abdominal surgery. I had to remove his wound dressing for the doctor to assess it during the ward round.

I followed the doctor’s instructions and, under the supervision of my mentor, used a non-contact method to remove the dressing and cleanse the area. While waiting for the doctor, my mentor requested that I remain with Sam while she attended to another patient.

During the assessment of another patient’s wound, the doctor rapidly inspected Sam’s wound without practising hand hygiene by washing her hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Due to her attire consisting of a long-sleeved shirt, I harboured concerns regarding the potential contamination of the cuffs. When I finally dared to speak, she was already closely examining Sam, so I concluded that it was too late for me to say anything.


Feelings and Thoughts:


Here, you can examine and analyze any emotions or thoughts that you had during the encounter, and consider how they may have influenced or affected the overall experience.


I was taken aback by the doctor’s failure to practice proper hand hygiene by not washing her hands or using alcohol gel before examining Sam. Here I experienced a sense of intimidation due to the doctor’s superior level of experience compared to mine as a second-year nursing student, and I had a strong desire to avoid disgracing her. I refrained from confronting the doctor in Sam’s presence to avoid causing him distress.

My mentor and I subsequently discussed the matter. She recommended that we have a collaborative discussion with the doctor. The mentor inquired whether the doctor had sanitized her hands prior to seeing Sam. She seemed bewildered. She expressed that she was preoccupied and unable to contemplate it. The mentor emphasized the need for hand hygiene, and the doctor pledged to practice handwashing before evaluating patients going forward.


Evaluation of the Experience:


Here, you have an opportunity to assess what was effective and what was ineffective in the given situation. Strive to maintain a high level of objectivity and honesty. To optimize your reflection, it is important to consider both the favourable and unfavourable parts of the scenario, regardless of whether it was predominantly one or the other.


The occurrence was a significant challenge for me. I deeply lament my failure to confront the doctor’s methodology prior to her examination of Sam. Nevertheless, I am gratified by the doctor’s favourable response to my mentor’s input, and I have noticed that she has modified her approach in light of this occurrence. I have also gained knowledge from the situation, as it has emphasized the significance of forceful and empathetic interactions with colleagues to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. Moreover, I also took help from the Gibbs Reflection Assignment Help UK in this endeavour.


Analysis of the Situation:


The analysis phase provides an opportunity to comprehend and interpret the events that occurred. Thus far, your attention has been directed towards the specific particulars regarding the events that transpired in the given scenario. Now you have the opportunity to derive significance from it. You should aim to evaluate the various facets that were successful or unsuccessful and inquire as to the reasons behind them. If you intend to incorporate scholarly material, this is the appropriate location to do it.


According to the Nursing Manual, hand cleanliness is the most crucial action for avoiding cross-infection. The college also highlights that many healthcare personnel do not clean their hands as frequently as they should. The Department of Health has recently produced recommendations that emphasize the potential for personnel to spread illnesses through their uniforms, and the importance of reassessing policies regarding staff attire. According to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Professional Conduct, nurses are obligated to actively detect and reduce potential harm to patients and clients. While I am being supervised by my mentor and taking care of Sam as a student nurse, the same principles equally apply to my own practice as a student nurse.


Conclusions Drawn:


This section allows you to draw conclusions regarding the events that transpired. This is the section where you provide a concise overview of what you have learned and emphasize the modifications you may make to your actions in order to enhance the result in the future. It ought to be an inherent reaction to the preceding portions.


Reflecting on this situation, I realize that I should have taken prompt action and ensured that the doctor thoroughly sanitized her hands prior to examining Sam. I now realize that my failure to take action in this situation endangered Sam’s well-being. Following a conversation with my mentor, I have come to realize that I must cultivate the self-assurance to question the actions of my colleagues, prioritizing the welfare of customers above all else. I acknowledge the importance of providing support to my colleagues and being empathetic towards the challenges they may face. However, it is crucial to ensure that their actions do not jeopardize the safety of our clients.


Action Plan for Future Situations:


At this stage, you strategize for how you might modify your approach in a comparable or interconnected circumstance in the future. It is also highly beneficial to consider how you will facilitate a change in your behaviour – not only by devising a plan for what you will do differently but also by strategizing how you will ensure its implementation. Occasionally, simply becoming aware of something is sufficient, but in other instances, it may be beneficial to have reminders.


In the future, I will prioritize enhancing my self-assurance when interacting with colleagues to ensure the preservation of clients’ well-being and satisfaction. I intend to prioritize this objective in my upcoming placement and will engage in a discussion with my mentor to develop effective tactics for achieving this aim.




Reflective writing on a healthcare assignment using the Gibbs model highlights the importance of advocating for patient safety and fostering assertive communication among healthcare professionals to ensure optimal care delivery.

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